
From the left are: Richard Kelley, Paul
Bofinger, Miriam Jackson and Tudor Richards. Credit: Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests |
SPACE was formed in 1966 for the express purpose of amending the
New Hampshire State Constitution to allow for current use assessment
of all real estate. That goal was achieved in 1968, through a major
grassroots campaign. Known as
the "YES ON 7" campaign, SPACE
brought together a broad coalition
of business, conservation and
interest groups to secure the two-thirds ballot vote necessary.
With the constitutional amendment in hand, SPACE set to work building support
for current use legislation. In 1972, the N.H. General Court passed into law
RSA 79-A. Since
that time, SPACE has been actively involved in all efforts
to refine the law and its administrative rules.
We have sponsored many educational
programs for landowners, municipal officials and state legislators. We have supported
research efforts to improve scientific data on the program.
But our work is not done.
A continuing effort is necessary to monitor the program and to improve on the
basic legislation and its administrative rules. SPACE and its organizational
members have been successful in this area, but constant vigilance over periodic
threats to weaken or repeal current use is essential. Our 35 years of successful
action have been made possible by the support of thousands of individuals, support
that will be vital to our future efforts.

Landscapes such as the view from Bartlett, NH draw thousands of tourists to the White Mountain forests. Once urban sprawl spreads, scenes like this can never be replicated. -Photo courtesy of John Harrigan-Colebrook, NH .
To review RSA-79A in its entirey.