for enrollment
The most current copy of the State of New Hampshire Current Use Criteria Booklet (4/1/2008-3/31/2009) download here. This booklet is published annually and has specific details of the law and Current Use Boards rules pertaining to RSA-79-A.
The minimum requirements for
land to be enrolled in the Current Use program are:
- 10 or more acres of land; A tract of farm,
forest, or unproductive land (or any combination of such types
of land) totaling 10 or more acres. This must be undeveloped
or unimproved open space land with no structures.
- A tract of wetland of any size less than 10 acres. (Wetlands larger than 10 acres are not eligible because of state regulations.)
RSA 79-A:2, XIV definition: "Wetlands" means those areas of farm, forest and unproductive land that are inundated or saturated by surface groundwater at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions. * For further clarification contact: Wetlands Prorgam- NHDES Wetland Bureau- 29 Hazen Drive- Concord, NH 03301 (603-271-2147) or
- A certified Tree Farm of any size.
- A tract of undeveloped land of any size that
is actively devoted to the growing of AGRICULTURAL or HORICULTURAL crops
having an annual gross income from the sale of crops totaling
at least $2,500.

A locally owned fruit orchard in Hopkinton, NH. Photo courtesy of Donna Robie
Land that would not meet the requirements includes:
- Open space land of less than 10 acres. (See
Requirements for enrollment for exceptions to the 10 acre minimum.)
- Structures and improvements to the land that
support the structures.
Examples of structures include barns, sheds, outhouses, garages,
and pole barns. Examples of improvements include driveways, wells,
septic systems, utility lines, sidewalks, yard area and/or the
curtilage (the area immediately surrounding the structure necessary to maintain
it). Example: A pole barn used for farm animals that is surrounded
by farm fields. Curtilage is the the footprint of the pole barn plus enough area
around it to put a ladder up and maintain the structure does not
qualify for Current Use.