A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
(click on the linked letters above to skip down to the section
that starts with that letter)
A-10 form: Application form to
place land in current use. Filed with the town Assessing
Department before April 15th.
Acreage requirements- Open space
land shall consist of: a tract of farm land, forest land
or unproductive land totaling 10 or more acres.
A tract of any combination of farm land, forest land or unproductive
land, which totals 10 or more acres. A tract of undeveloped land
of any size, actively devoted to the growing of agricultural or
horticultural crops with an annual gross income from the sale of
crops producing $2,500. A certified tree farm of any size or a
tract of unimproved wetland of any size. (pg 14 cub)
Ad valorem value: The
highest and best use of the land.
Appurtenance- Furnishings
or apparatus on land. (defined in Webster: a legal right or privilege
attached to a property and inherited with it; )
Assessing Official: Means the
assessing authority of any town, city or place.
Assessment Ranges: Ranges set
by the Current Use Board to assess farm, forest and unproductive
land held in current use.
Betterment- Means the installation or
construction of improvements which influence the value of the land
such as: roads; water lines; sewage lines; utility lines,
or other physical improvements.
Buffer: Protector against impact:
something which reduces the shock or impact; or protects against
other harm (Encarta)
Buildings: A structure with
walls and a roof. (Note: Buildings shall not be assessed
at current use. (see- Structures)
Building lot- A building lot shall consist
of the curtilage of the building or buildings. The dimensions of
the building lot (for current use assessment) shall not be governed by: local
municipal ordinances; planning board requirements, or local zoning
ordinances. Note: Sections of land
divided by a building lot shall be considered contiguous, if, when
combined, they meet the acreage requirement.
Certified tree farm- Means a tree farm
that has received a tree farm approval letter from the NH Tree
Farm Committee which states that the tree farm meets the requirements
of the nation tree farm program of the American Forest Foundation
o; a current renewal letter.
Clear cutting – Land with all
trees removed: land from which all the trees and undergrowth have
been cut and removed. (Forest land that has been
subjected to clear cutting still qualifies as forestland.)
Cluster Development: A group of houses
or other buildings (closely packed together) that are built as
a single construction project.
Coefficient of Dispersion, “COD”: refers
to the average percentage deviation from the median ratio. (Draft
ASBA Reference Manual — Chapter 5- page 6).
Condominium Developments: Land physically
changed to accommodate the construction of a building(s), curtilage
and infrastructure shall be removed from current use along with
the amount of open space land needed to support that building(s)
until such time there is no longer 10 qualifying acres. The amount
of open space land needed to support these building(s) shall be
the percentage interest that the building(s) represents in the
entire project. (Check with your individual town officials
to see how they have classified your development- see cluster development;
sub-division terminology).
Conservation Restriction: (as defined
by RSA 79-B:2) A permanent restriction of open space
land by deed granted in perpetuity to a federal, state, county,
or local government, or to a charitable, educational, or other
nonprofit corporation established for the purposes of natural
resource conservation, the purpose of which is s to retain or
maintain the land consistent with the protection of the environmental
quality. (Draft ASBA Reference Manual — Chapter 6- page 2)
Conservation Restriction Land: Land
which must provide a demonstrated public benefit based upon the
conservation uses to which the land is perpetually limited; also
intended to assist in the preservation of open spaces. (Draft ASBA
Reference Manual — Chapter 6- page 1)
Contiguous parcels- Means
more than one parcel of land which is connected, disregarding whether
it is divided by highway, rail bed, river or water body or the
boundary of a political subdivision.
Cost Approach Appraisal: “Cost
approach is based on the principal of substitution, that a rational,
informed purchaser would pay no more for a property than the cost
of building an acceptable substitute with like utility.” (Draft
ASBA Reference Manual— Chapter 5- page 2).
Cost of Community Services (COCS)- A
fiscal study approach used to determine an individual community’s
public service costs versus revenues based on current land use.
(Does not study secondary economic impact.)
Current use value: Means the assessed
valuation per acre of open space land based upon the income-producing
capability of the land in its current use solely from growing forest
or agricultural crops, and not its real estate market value.
Curtilage- Land upon which a structure
stands and the land immediately surrounding the structure including: A
yard contiguous to the structure; land groomed and maintained around
the structure, and land necessary to support and service the structure.
CU-12 form: Application form to apply
for a forest stewardship (managed land).
Development plan- means any subdivision
plat, site plan, or building permit application supporting documents
or similar documents required by state law or municipal ordinance
and filed with appropriate officials; or a document prepared by
landowner describing his/her intent to build a road, construct
buildings, create subdivisions, excavate gravel or otherwise develop
land which is classified under current use.
Discretionary easement:(as defined by
RSA 79-C:2): “A restriction of open space
land granted to a city or town for a term of 10 years or more. Any
owner of land that does not meet the criteria for open space land
for current use assessment, but meets the tests of demonstrated
public benefit as pot forth in RSA 79-C:3, II, can apply to the
municipality’s governing body to convey a discretionary easement.
((Draft ASBA Reference Manual — Chapter 6- 2)
Discretionary Preservation easements (as
defined by RSA 79-D-2,I): “A preservation easement of an
historic agricultural structure, including the land necessary for
the function of the building, granted to a city or town for a term
of 10 years or more as long as the structure meets the test
of public benefits as outlined in RSA 79-D:3, II. (Draft ASBA Reference
Manual — Chapter 6- 3)
Earth: Means sand, gravel, rock,
soil or construction aggregate produced by quarrying, crushing
or any other mining activity or such other naturally-occurring
unconsolidated materials that normally mask the bedrock. (RSA 155-E:1-
Equalized assessed valuation: The
estimated true and market value of all taxable property in a municipality.
Equalization of current use land: An
equalization ratio established by The Department of Revenue Administration
based on the number of sales within a city, town or district. If
the equalization ratio is above 100%, current use land assessments
will be higher; if equalization ratio is under 100%, current use
land assessments will be lower, but need to be brought up to 100%.
Excavation- Means
a land area which is used, or has been used, for the commercial
taking of earth, including all slopes (see Earth definition)Lands
used in operations involving removal for sale of soil, gravel,
stone and other surface materials shall not qualify for current
use assessment except as allowed by RSA 79-A:7, IV (b). Excavation
area: “Means the surface area within an
excavation site where excavation has occurred or is eligible to
occur under the provisions of this chapter.”
Excavation site: “means any area
off contiguous land in common ownership upon which excavation takes
place.” (RSA 155-E:1- definitions). Note:
Every tax year prior to excavating, any owner who intends to excavate
earth must file a Notice of Intent to Excavate (Form PA-38) and
pay an administration fee with the assessing officials for each
parcel that is to be excavated. (refer to RSA
72-B:1, 1 for more details) “Incidental” excavation: result
of a construction project if more than 1,000 cubic yards of earth
will leave the property during the tax year. Earth that is
bartered or traded away is not exempt from taxation.
Farm land- Farm land shall be
a tract or tracts of undeveloped land, devoted to, or capable of,
the production of agricultural or horticultural crops including: forage;
grains; fruit; vegetables; herbs; Plantation Christmas trees; nursery
stock; sod; floral products; pasturage; fiber; oilseeds or short
rotation tree fiber farming. Cleared land devoted to and
capable of agricultural or horticultural use as determined and
classified by criteria developed by the Commissioner of Agriculture,
Markets and Food and adopted by the board. (RSA 21:34) Note: Land
containing roads constructed for the purpose of harvesting crops
shall be assessed as farm land.
Forest Land- Based on Class-
means land enrolled in current use as forest land; “grade” means
land having a physical geography affecting timber harvesting crops
by presence or absence of the following; steep slopes, presence
of boulders or rock outcrops; ravines; wetland or bodies of water,
or any other physical qualifications; “location” means
characteristics affecting accessibility to the land by presence
or absence of : legal restrictions to access; abutting a maintained
public highway, or: any other characteristics affecting accessibility; “Site
quality” means the capacity of a parcel
of land to produce wood, including factors that affect management: the
quality of soil; the climate and elevation; physical geography
or any other factors “Type” means
the mix of tree species.
Forest Management: The management
of forests for profitable ends such as timber production. Commercial
forestland, forest land,
especially planted and commercially managed, rather than grown
Forestry: Planting and growing
of trees: the science or skill of planting and growing trees or
managing forests.
Frontage- The front side of a
building or piece of property (land) that is situated between itself,
and a street or road. Water frontage:
the length of the front of a building or piece of property (land)
next to a body of water. (Note: Land which qualifies for
current use assessment shall not be excluded because of road or
water frontage.)
Gravel pits- The removal of topsoil
is prohibited on land in current use; such activity would constitute
a change in land use and would subject land to the land use change
tax: the only exceptions are: removal of topsoil in
the process of harvesting a sod farm crop; or removal of gravel
and other material for construction and maintenance of roads and
land for agricultural or forestry purposes within the qualifying
property of the owner, along with approval of local authorities.
Highest and best use- Means that use
which will most likely produce the highest market value, greatest
financial return, or the most profit.
Identifiable boundaries: Each
tract of land for which an application is filed shall be marked
with identifiable boundaries on the ground.
Income Approach Appraisal: “The
income approach uses capitalization to convert the anticipated
benefits of the ownership of property into an estimate of value.” (Draft
ASBA Reference Manual— Chapter 5- page 2).
Intent to cut- Notification
that landowners intends to cut trees from property. Per RSA 79:10
it requires that every owner intending to cut wood or timber to
file with their assessing officials by April 1st and prior to actual
start of cutting. (Form PA-7).
Every owner who has filed an“intent to cut” must
also file a Report of Wood and Timber Cut (Form PA) to the local
assessing officials and the DRA, within 60 days of completion of
the operation.
Land Use Change Tax (LUCT); Means a
tax that shall be levied when the land use changes from open space
to a non-qualifying use.
Lien: “the right to take
another’s property if an obligation is not discharged.”
Market value: Means the value
of a property that meets the following criteria: a.) is the most
probable price, not the highest , lowest or average price; b.)
is expressed in terms of money; c.) implies a reasonable time for
exposure to the market; d.) implies that both the buyer and seller
are informed of the uses to which the property may be put; e.)
assumes an arm’s length transaction in the open market; f.)
assumes a willing buyer and willing seller, with no advantage being
taken by either buyer or seller, and: g.) recognizes both the present
use and potential use of the property.
Mass Appraisals: Appraisals which
are conducted to complete a revaluation of all taxable property
within a city or town in order to meet the legal requirement. It
is the process of valuing all property by using standard methods
and conducting various surveys. (Draft ASBA Reference Manual —
Chapter 7- 1)
Mean ratio: Means the average ratio
— the sum of the ratios divided by the number of ratios.
Median ration: Means the middle ratio
when a set of ratios is ranked in order of magnitude. The median
is the generally preferred measure of central tendency for assessment
equity, monitoring appraisal performance, and determining reappraisal
priorities or evaluating the need for a reappraisal.
Open space land: Means any or
all farm land, forest land, or unproductive land. “Open
space land” shall not include any property held by a city,
town or district in another city or town for the purpose of a water
supply or flood control.
Owners at the time of change: Means
the person or persons who purchased the land and made a physical
change of use.
Price-Related Differential “PRD”: is
calculated be dividing the mean by the weighted mean. (Ranges
established by State of NH Assessing Standards Board— for PRD is
no greater than 1.03, and no lower than 0.98.) First purchase of
development rights, i.e purchase of agricultural conservation easements.
(Draft ASBA Reference Manual — Chapter 5- page 6).
Posting land: Land assessed in
current use may be posted.
(Note: Receiving current use assessment does not require a landowner
to open the property to public use.)
Prohibited activities (unless landowner approves): The
landowner may prohibit trespass upon his/her property for all other
activities (not including the six recreational activities, but
only if landowner receives a recreational discount). Prohibited
activities include: use of mechanized and off-highway vehicles,
snowmobiles, ATV, four-wheelers, camping, cutting down trees, etc.
Ratio: For a single sale, means
the assessment divided by the sale price.
Reclassification: Means when land
such as unproductive land becomes accessible or practical to harvest.
Recreational Adjustment (20%): If a
landowner decides not to post, and opens the property to public
use without an entrance fee for 12 months a year, the land is entitled
to a 20% reduction in current use assessment of the acres opened
to public recreational use.
Recreational Uses: There are only
six required activities that qualify land to receive the 20% recreational
adjustment. They include: hunting, fishing, hiking, nature
observation, skiing and snowshoeing. No other activities fall
under this requirement.
Revaluations: There are three
general revaluation activities. Full revaluation: is
a complete measure listing and valuation of all taxable and nontaxable
properties within a municipality with or without use of, or access
of, existing or prior appraisal data. Partial revaluation: uses
a specified portion of a municipality or any individual properties
using either a full data collection effort completed with or without
use of, or access to, existing or prior appraisal data or less
than complete data collection effort. Cyclical
revaluation: Is a measure and list of all
municipal properties within a three to five year time period. Property
assessments will be updated during the last year of measuring and
listing property data, including the verification of all municipal
market sales, this is considered a full revaluation once the
entire process is complete. (Draft ASBA Reference Manual —
Chapter 7-1).
Rock outcrops: Part of a rock
formation that is exposed on the surface of the ground.
Sales Comparsion Approach Appraisal: “One
of the three approaches to value that estimates a property’s
value by comparing the subject property to other similar properties
that have sold.” (Draft ASBA Reference Manual — Chapter 5-
page 3)
Soil Potential index- or SPI,
means a scientific number which indicates the soil’s capability
of production as determined by the U.S. Natural Resource Conservation Service
(NRCS), and obtainable through the county conservation district
Stewardship: Management of property
on behalf of another or oneself.
Structures: Something built or erected:
a building, bridge, framework or other objects that has been put
together from many different parts.
Stumpage value- (as defined by RSA 79:2): “The
amount determined by the assessing officials in the same manner
as other property values for the purpose of taxation at the time
of the timber cut.” Wood and timber is assessed, however,
at a stumpage value determined at the time of cutting. Growing
wood and timber is not subject to the property tax but the land
on which the wood is growingf is subject to taxation.
Test pits- Test pits shall not disqualify
land from current use assessment when the purpose of the test pit
is to: determine whether or not the land would be suitable
for building; detect the presence of water sources; or identify
the mineral content of the land.
Tract: Means a parcel or contiguous
parcels of land having identical ownership, and which qualifies
for current use assessment in any category or combination of categories
described under Cub 304.01.
Tree Classifications in current use: Currently
there are only three tree classifications under forest land for
unmanaged and managed forest land. 1.) White pine; 2.)
Hardwoods; and 3.) All other. Forest land is assessed at
the majority of classified trees within the property.
Undeveloped land- Means
any land which is not used for residential, commercial or industrial
purposes, other than the growing farm and forest products.
Unimproved land- Means
any land, left in its natural state, which is devoid of structures
or other improvements.
Unproductive land: Land
classified as unproductive land because it is inaccessible or impractical
to harvest agricultural or forest products, as provided under RSA
799-A:2, XIII, if land is reclassified as forest
land or farm land due to becoming accessible or practical to harvest
then it is no longer considered unproductive land. A
tract of land which has no structures; by its nature is incapable
of producing or is being left in its natural ecological state.
Utility lines- Land supporting
power lines, pipelines, sewer lines, water lines and other utilities
that are not for the sole benefit of the landowner shall be eligible
for current use assessment under the category in which the land
would normally qualify or if the presence and maintenance of such
utilities would render the land ineligible.
Weighted mean ratio (aggregrate): Means
the sum of the assessments divided by the sum of the sale prices
for the total number of sales used in a ratio study.
Wetland- Means those
areas of farm, forest and unproductive land that are inundated
or saturated by surface water or groundwater at a frequency and
duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances
do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life
in saturated soil conditions. Assessing officials
allow a buffer up to 100 feet in depth provided that the land within
the buffer is: unimproved and is being left in its natural state
without interference with the natural ecological processes. (Wetlands
can be put in current use even if less than the standard 10 acre
Yield Tax: “Means a tax
of 10% of the stumpage value on wood or timber that is cut. Assessing
officials must take into account: the location of the timber; the
quality of the timber; the size of the sale; and any other factors
necessary to harvest the wood or timber that affects its value.” (Draft
ASBA Reference Manual — Chapter 6-5)
Zoning requirements: For all classifications
of current use land, the dimensions of a building lot shall
not be governed by any local zoning or planning ordinances.
(i.e. requiring 2 acre building lot- only actually building, curtilage
needs to be removed from current use).